Library in the desert / Draft project

Location -

Occupied Palestinian Territory, Area C, Bedouin Camp of Wadi Abu Hindi, Al Azarije

Year -


Client -

Vento di Terra NGO + Jerusalem beduoin Cooperative Coommittee

Consultancies -

Total Cost -


The project constitutes the second phase of the school in the desert project, from which it adopts the technical choices and constructive techniques. The existing building will be in this case completely modified. The new library is proposed as a new volume of squared plan articulated in two areas: from one side the main reading room, defined by library-walls and completely opened to the outdoor space so to become a place for people to gather and pass-trough. From the other side, the areas for facilities, more closed and protected. This articulation is expressed as well in the roof, solved in two opposed slopes, which recreate the natural ventilation mechanism from the school in the desert. The indoor spaces of the library are linked to the outdoor ones by the modular pergola made of bamboo panels. A system of phyto-depuration pools, for the harvesting and re-use of raining water, re-links the school-library and outdoor spaces in an overall single design.

ARCò Architettura & Cooperazione - P.Iva/C.F. 07814900960